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Saturday, September 1, 2012

My 90 Day Consciousness Challenge Update

Day 28-41 Of 90 Days August 18-31, 2012

I have stuck to my 90 day consciousness commitment. I just find it hard to get on the computer regularly to share it all. I’ve been swimming in an ocean of yoga over the last two weeks.  I’ve been taking in as many yoga classes and events as I possibly can. Last weekend I rocked out three classes a day at the first Canadian Wanderlust Festival in Whistler, BC. It was an amazing four-day weekend with some of my favorite teachers. I felt like my body was made of jello by the end of it. It was well worth the experience and awesome energy I left with. This was just what I needed to get me supper excited about creating new classes. Soon I will be leaving Vancouver, BC to head back to Asia to lead some amazing DETOX, FITNESS, YOGA RETREATS. I feel this picture below says it all!

Daily Consciousness Tips from my last two weeks

Gain wisdom from others - No single person holds all the wisdom of the universe in their brain. For this reason, it is important to study the wisdom of others and try to apply their wisdom to your life. As mentioned earlier, everyone has a unique perspective and knowledge-base to bring to the table. Studying the wisdom of others can be done in many ways. Examples include: meeting face-to-face with a more consciously advanced individual and ask them for life advice, reading positivity and personal development websites from several different sources, or maybe attending different personal development seminars.

 Keep your ego in check - The more aware you are of your ego, the easier it is to become more conscious. With that said, as your awareness increases, so does your state of consciousness. The reverse also applies: as your consciousness increases, so does your awareness. Letting our ego get out of control and take the driver’s seat in our consciousness has potential to quickly lower our state of functioning. Taking full control and responsibility to keep your ego in check when faced with adversity will allow you to consciously advance in a much healthier manner.

Practice personal development - Taking action to better your life through the concept of personal development is an extremely effective way to make yourself a more conscious human being. Think of personal development as the act of upgrading every area of your life to function at the highest possible level: health, finances, relationships, etc. Virtually all aspects of personal development lead to greater conscious development in one way or another.

Shift your conscious focus - Being preoccupied with thoughts of past events and of the future has potential to lead your consciousness in the wrong direction. Focusing your attention on this exact moment (commonly referred to as “the now”), however, is a great way to raise your level of awareness. By learning techniques that allow you to shift your awareness to this exact moment, you can work wonders in the process of conscious advancement.

Be energetic - Being energetic can be very powerful for advancing your state of consciousness and for inspiring others to become more consciously advanced. Your body can become energized and your brain can become energized. When both are operating in at maximum intensity and energy, you are said to be in a state of peak conscious performance.

Make healthy dietary changes - Making healthy dietary changes means searching to find the best possible diet to fit your mental needs, physical needs, spiritual needs; to fit your needs. Are you fully conscious of what you are consuming? In order to boost your own level of consciousness, it is important to be fully aware of the food in which you are consuming in your diet and to be respectful and accepting of the diets of other individuals without making negative judgments.

Accept others for who they are - As mentioned above in being conscious of what you eat, it is important to be accepting of the diets that others choose to use. Whether they make a conscious decision to have an unhealthy diet or unconscious decision, accept their actions. Accepting others can apply to every area of life. No matter if you disagree with another person’s actions, disagree with their personality, or disagree with their perception of life, it is important to accept them for who they are and not try to force changes upon them. Settle your disagreements with other individuals by purely accepting them for who they are.

Accept and love yourself for who are - Life’s journey becomes much easier and significantly enriched if you can learn to accept yourself for who you are. Depending on your current state of consciousness, it may be difficult to love and accept who you are. Take the time to count your blessings, be accepting of yourself and your level of consciousness. Realize that at this current moment you are doing the best that you know how to do in order to advance consciously.

Understand your own thought process - An extremely effective way to become more conscious is to take note of your thought process and understand it to the best of your ability. I’ve seen many people run themselves in mental circles due to an ineffective understanding of their own thought process. Being consciously aware of your thoughts and why you are thinking them is a key step towards creating an accurate understanding of your reality.

Bless everything that happens - There are times throughout life when amazing things happen to us and other times when upsetting events take place. Just like accepting who you are is a great habit to get into, you should also learn to bless everything that happens in your life. No matter how bad an event, it has potential to make a positive impact on your life in the long run. Your ability to bless and appreciate, even what may be initially perceived as a worst case scenario, will ultimately provide you great conscious satisfaction.

Take time for internal reflection - In my opinion, taking time for internal reflection is the single most effective way to learn more about yourself and your current state of consciousness. Internal reflection will certainly help you better understand your thoughts, emotions, spirituality, and provide clarity in your current life situation. If you don’t currently take time to internally reflect, you could very well start up a 20 minute meditation routine each morning and observe the difference it quickly makes in your state of consciousness.
Focus on advancing consciously - In the process of conscious development, it’s important to focus exactly on what you are trying to accomplish: the act of becoming more conscious. During this process, it is important to tune out all unhealthy distractions such as: negative relationships, abuse, fighting, illicit drugs, etc. If you allow yourself to become distracted with unhealthy, unconscious habits, then act of advancing consciously will become a much more difficult or slower process than normal.

Be aware of your breathing - Being aware of your breathing means being fully conscious of your breathing pattern. Being aware of how you are breathing is important. Unfortunately, many people are unaware that there is actually a proper way to breathe. A way of breathing that is optimal for your body and brain. Proper breathing involves inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth upon every breath. The process of becoming more aware of my breathing through exercises like meditation and conscious breathing have significantly helped me increase my overall level of focus, emotional stability, and level of consciousness.

Spend more time with yourself - In the fast-paced lifestyle of the 21st century, it is very common for people to spend time with others, yet never take personal time to spend with themselves and focus on their own life. If you are an individual who is currently not taking enough time for yourself each day, try starting up a personal routine. Examples of ways that you could spend time with yourself, contributing positively to your own life include: taking time for internal reflection (meditation), letting yourself know how much you love yourself, going on a walk to listen to your own thoughts, giving gratitude for everything that you have in your life, or getting involved in a hobby that inspires you.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Week 4 Consciousness Training

Day 23/90 Monday August 13, 2012

Consciousness Tip Of The Day

Practice positive affirmations - Affirmations are a bit different than using incantations, though the concepts are very similar. Affirmations are used to change beliefs and thinking patterns. Examples of positive affirmations include: “I am healthy,” “I am positive,” and “I am intelligent.” The primary goal of using affirmations should be to replace unhealthy beliefs and thought patterns with healthier ones; making it easier to scale the mountain of consciousness.

Today’s Physical Practice 

Morning Hot Moksha Yoga 60 min practice
Afternoon Core Power Yoga 60 min practice

Quote Of The Day

Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else’s.  ~ Billy Wilder 

Day 24/90 Tuesday August 14, 2012

Consciousness Tip Of The Day

Be aware of your state of consciousness - Unfortunately, many people aren’t aware of their current state of consciousness or what even defines consciousness. You may not even be consciously aware of the many diverse possible states of consciousness due to the fact that you may have only experienced one primary state of functioning throughout your lifetime. If you are a person who hasn’t experienced other states or most importantly cannot seem to understand your own state, you are definitely missing out some important aspects and understandings of conscious perception.

Today’s Physical Practice 

30 min out-door bike ride
Evening power yoga on the beach 

Quote Of The Day

“Leap and the net will appear”~ Zen Saying

Day 25/90 Wednesday August 15, 2012

Consciousness Tip Of The Day

Set a positive example for others - Setting a positive example for others can pertain to any area of life and is highly encouraged. Setting a healthy, positive example for others to follow spreads a direct positive image into the lives and minds of others. Trying to consciously set a good example for others will further raise your consciousness. Setting a bad example, or unconscious example, will slow, halt, or reverse your current conscious development.

Today’s Physical Practice 

Sprint intervals on the track 8 X 400’s

Quote Of The Day

“Forget all of the reasons why something won’t work. You only need to find one reason why it will.” ~Dr. Robert Anthony

Day 26/90 Thursday August 16, 2012

Consciousness Tip Of The Day

Guide others interested in raising their consciousness - There are many ways to aid others in the process of raising their awareness, especially if you are a more consciously advanced individual. Chances are good that you’ll need to do some personal work with raising your own consciousness before you can put yourself in an effective position to help others raise their consciousness. What you may want to do, though, is encourage others to practice some items in this article or others on 4 Mind 4 Life dot com.

Today’s Physical Practice 

Beach circuit training 45 min
Power core yoga practice 75 min

Quote Of The Day

“ A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure” ~Unknown

Day 27/90 Friday August 17, 2012

Consciousness Tip Of The Day

Share your unique insight and wisdom - Everyone has a different perspective based on their personal experience, purpose, and personality. Therefore, each individual has a unique form of insight that they can share with others. There are endless ways and opportunities for you to express and share your knowledge with others. All that you need to do is take action towards finding a medium most effective for allowing you to share your insight.

Today’s Physical Practice 

Morning Power Yoga Class 60 min
Chipper Cross-fit workout at the park with a friend
1200 M Farmers walk 25lbs DB
100 Burpee’s
100 Sit-ups
100 Pushups
100 Squats
100 Band Bicep Curls
400 M Farmers Walk

Quote Of The Day

“The more you take responsibility for your past and present, the more you are able to create the future you seek.”

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summer Travels/ consciousness

Sunday August 12, 2012

I’ve been enjoying a vibrant summer in Vancouver, Canada as well as travels to California. I have taken a break from teaching full-time in Asia so that I can connect with my family and friends and re charge my own physical practice and knowledge base. I am gearing up for an amazing season of fitness and yoga camps and retreats in Thailand so I want to be in peak mental and physical condition. I've got some really exciting fitness events planned for the holidays.

While I'm in Vancouver for the summer I am offering one yoga class a week on Kit's Beach on Tuesday evenings from 6pm-7pm, the details are on my website. Click on photo


 I’m currently pursuing a 90day challenge that I created for myself to stay grounded. I make it a daily ritual to write down a tip on how to be more conscious, a physical workout or class for the day and a quote that inspires me. I am motivated and eager to attend as many different styles of classes and trainings in as many places as I can.  This dedication to being more conscious fuels my own fire for teaching, learning and growing. 

I've come to love the experience of simply stepping into a yoga studio, there is a calming sensation that comes over me. I like the spaciousness, the smell of aroma therapy oils and the symbols and quotes written on the walls reminding me to be present.  I guess it's the same feeling I used to get walking into a gym. There's a feeling of being home in a familiar place. I suppose it's like being in a foreign country and then seeing a Starbucks (lol).

Here are some fun photos from my recent travels to Universal Studios, the San Diego Zoo, Victoria, BC and my last week of consciousness and personal training commitments.

I always enjoy the questions I get about, yoga, meditation, training and living. Your thoughts and comments are welcome, they keep me inspired!

Hollywood, California

Venice Beach, California


Day 15/90 Sunday August 05, 2012

Speak compassionately - When having conversation with others, do you choose your words wisely? Or are you the type of person who could care less what you say? The truth is, people who choose their words wisely and consciously think during conversation are the ones who show greater respect for them-selves and more compassion for others. Make a conscious effort to speak compassionately and positive results will follow.

Today’s Physical Practice 

30 min yoga self practice

Quote Of The Day

If it works, don't fix it.

 Universal Studios

Day 16/90 Monday August 06, 2012

Think positive, act positive, be positive - Being a positive influence sets a good example for others and for yourself. Positivity and states of being positive are direct effects of raising your consciousness. I highly recommend trying to be a more positive person in all areas of life; you will notice and feel the beneficial changes in your awareness.

Today’s Physical Practice 

30 min walk on treadmill incline 15
20 min Full body circuit 

Quote Of The Day

Live in the NOW.

The San Diego Zoo

Day 17/90 Tuesday August 7, 2012

Simple meditation - Whether you are an advanced meditator or a beginner, the benefits are tremendous and will allow you to tap into your highest state of conscious functioning if you stick around long enough. It is an act that will definitely raise your conscious awareness and allow you to attain greater focus, discipline, and develop a deeper joyous connection to life.

Today’s Physical Practice 

40 Min On The Treadmill incline 13 speed 3.5
8 min core circuit- 20 sec working 10 sec rest

Quote Of The Day

Practice an attitude of gratitude.

Day 18/90 Wednesday August 08, 2012

 Identify with your soul - Realize that at your core, you are a spiritual being who is living in a physical body. In lower stages of consciousness, this concept may seem unrealistic and may be very difficult to grasp. As you become better at identifying with your soul, you become better at working your way up the mountain of consciousness.

Today’s Physical Practice

Power Yoga Class 90min at Exhale in LA, California

Quote Of The Day

Let go of old ideas!

Victoria, BC

Day 19/90 Thursday August 09, 2012

 See perceived faults as a “mirror image” - When you look at the faults of others and identify faults in other people, use them as a teaching tool for yourself. The people that are in your life weren’t put there by mistake; they were put there to teach you something about yourself. By being able to take personal responsibility for what is being displayed by others into your conscious focus, you can take the information and make very positive changes.

 Today’s Physical Practice
Power-walk at Santa Monica Beach 60 min

Quote Of The Day

The price for serenity and sanity is self-sacrifice

Day 20/90 Friday August 10, 2012

Expand your horizons - Trying something new can pertain to any area of your life. Maybe you want to try to add a new healthy habit to your daily routine, shop at an organic store, or even host a block party for the first time. Having courage raises your consciousness and by constantly trying new things, you boost your cognitive ability to adapt and push through any lower states of fear.

Today’s Physical Practice 

Run 8 laps on the track

Quote Of The Day

Spirituality is the ability to get our minds off ourselves.

Day 21/90 Saturday August 11, 2012

 Face your deepest fears - Are there any fears that you’re holding inside that are prevent you from making conscious advancement? At certain stages along the ladder of consciousness, it can be extremely difficult to face your fears. With that said, facing your fears will equip your consciousness with more empowerment and energy. Healthy fears include: giving a speech, singing in front of others, or throwing a party; this would be a great list of fears to go out and conquer! The choice to face these will help you considerably in your ability to make conscious advances.

Today’s Physical Practice

Power-walk through the park

Quote Of The Day

Willpower = our willingness to use a Higher Power.

Day 22/90 Sunday August 12, 2012

Use powerful incantations - Incantations are simply words or phrases repeated over and over with emotional intensity for personal or spiritual benefit. They have commonly been used in religious practices to praise certain Gods or deities, but they have also been used for personal development and in the process of becoming more conscious. No matter what way you choose to use incantations, they can be very helpful and a powerful catalyst for helping you become more conscious.

Today’s Physical Practice 

Morning Moksha Yoga Flow Class 60min Victoria, BC

Quote Of The Day

Minds are like parachutes----they won't work unless they're open.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day 14/90 Consciouness Training

Saturday August 04, 2012

Consciousness Tip Of The Day

Be aware and accepting of your emotions - No matter your current emotions, you will profoundly help yourself if you are accepting of them. Going through life resisting your emotions and trapping them inside yourself makes life much more difficult. Trying to escape from our emotions lowers our awareness. When you accept what you feel and consciously understand why you feel a certain emotion, your level of consciousness rises.

Today’s Physical Practice 

45min cardio session on the elliptical machine
20 min power yoga routine (self practice)

Quote Of The Day
“You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call failure os not the falling down, but the staying down.”

~Mary Pickford-Actress and Producer

Day 13/90 Consciousness Training

Friday August 03, 2012 

Consciousness Tip Of The Day

Avoid physical fighting and abuse - Physical fighting stems from emotional misunderstandings, hatred, and negative emotional expressions. Fighting can be described as the opposite of peace. Physical fighting and other forms of abuse can really do a great job at distracting us from becoming more conscious human beings. Anything that you can do to stop physical fighting and abuse will ultimately make you and the individuals involved more consciously aware.

Today’s Physical Practice 

30 min treadmill walk-incline 13-15 speed 3.6
25 min full-body gym workout circuit, no rest between exercises 

 Quote Of The Day

“Leap and the net will appear”

`Zen saying

Day 12/90 Consciousness Training

Thursday August 02, 2012 

Consciousness Tip Of The Day

 Choose empowering beliefs - In the process of changing beliefs, choose beliefs that are empowering to your soul. A good way to know what belief will be empowering is to simply ask yourself how you feel about adding the new belief. If you feel a strong connection with a new belief, such as feelings of excitement, it will probably be a very good choice of a belief to implement. Make a conscious effort to purge all beliefs that are less than satisfying. Understand also that as you become a more conscious human being, changing your beliefs will become a much easier, more natural process.

Today’s Physical Practice 

30 min power walk

Quote Of The Day

“If you make the unconditional commitment to reach your most important goals, if the strength of your decision is sufficient, you will find the way and the power to achieve your goals.”
~Robert Conklin-Teacher, Author and Speaker